Alex lived in London for 14 years but her roles took her to the West Country where she now lives. In July 2005 she joined the BBC local news team Points West and now co-anchors their main evening programme every week night.
“The BBC has always represented, for me, the peak of my ambition and I was ready for another sharp learning curve, this time into the field of journalism. It certainly was unconventional to approach this role from a light entertainment background”
“It’s an amazing job –every night is different, as you can imagine, and I never stop learning.”
“The best part of the job for me (I have to try not to sound sycophantic as I mean this sincerely) always comes from the viewers. Sometimes we ask them to email in their thoughts on a particular news item or I could be out VOX popping but it always gives me a huge buzz. They know what they like, they’re not afraid to say it and so far they’ve been wonderfully kind and open to me”
“I went to Cribbs recently (local shopping mall) to ask people how romantic they felt as part of a piece for Valentine’s Day. I left on cloud nine and had to calm down before the evening programme.”
When Alex isn't presenting the main programme from the studio, she's out reporting on the stories the West is talking about. This can cover everything from the Gloucestershire floods or burning Pavillion on Weston-super-Mare's Pier to the fun and buzz of the Bristol Harbour Festival visited by 200,000 people a year or the world famous Balloon Fiesta.
You can always watch the latest edition of Points West, in full, online. Just go to www.bbc.co.uk/pointswest and click on 'Watch Again' in the top right hand corner.